Question 3 Re Agenda item 15.2 Planning Application 57-59 Point Lonsdale Road Whilst PLCA did not make a submission in respect of this development proposal, however in review of the Senior Planners report in the agenda, and the recommendations to council, it appeared necessary that several process issues be questioned prior to a decision by councillors. The planner comments that the plans as presented are deficient in 8 specific areas of established planning compliance. The position we observe is that councillors are asked to vote on a non compliant application on the recommendation of the planning officer and that the non compliant issues are noted in the conditions of permit, and will remain the responsibility of the planning officer, without further review by council. Due to the extent of the outstanding issues it is suggested that the applicant provide the necessary information to address these matters in the planning application negotiation such that the proposal presented to the council for approval represents the intended development, rather than a preliminary proposal that is then passed to the planner to finalise. The other issue associated with this area is the street scape management of Simpson St. This matter was raised at a recent council meeting and noted as being part of an overall Pt Lonsdale parking strategy. PLCA raised this matter in respect of the 1 Kirk Road planning application and believe it is not a parking issue, but relates to commercial and multi residential unit waste management as well as vehicle access and parking. As such it should be addressed in any planning application that impacts on Simpson St. Q...Will the council require the applicant to clarify the non compliant issues before a council vote is taken on this matter and that this include a street impact study on Simpson St?