Question 1 from PLCA At a recent council meeting the PLCA requested council review the location of proposed cabins via completion of the process required of the camping area study which has not been tabled or subject to community review. No response was provided. We suggest that the brief for this study remains valid in the current circumstance and needs to be addressed before a decision is made on respect of the location of additional cabins on any of the council operated camping areas. Will council finalise this overview study (another incomplete $100k consultancy) or will they make long term decisions on an add hock proposal and notional budget information? Response by the Mayor The draft Caravan Park Masterplan is nearing completion with officers scheduled to present a report to Council at the November or December 2017 Ordinary Meeting. This will then be the subject of community consultation. In terms of the proposed location of eco-cabins at the Queenscliff Recreation Reserve Caravan Park, this is a matter that is included in this Council Meeting agenda. ========================================================================= Question 2 Council indicates that the matter of boundary change is a confidential item at this meeting where a position can be agreed and a vote can be taken. It would not be on the agenda unless a position had been discussed prior. This matter refers to the Peter Russell motion (At the BoQ council meeting 24/2/16, Councillors Russell / Merriman moved (& Carried unanimously) and the previous advice that it would be brought forward at this meeting. This matter is of major significance to the current EDS project outcome and the future of the Borough and should not be treated as confidential and lost off the record. Please provide explanation of the councils position on this matter? Finally, when will the Boundary Change report requested by (Former) Cr. Russell be released to the public? Response by the Mayor This subject is a matter that is included in this Council Meeting agenda as a confidential item. ================================================================================================ Question 3 In respect of the Draft Deloitte EDS survey initially directed to business contacts rather than community, will council acknowledge that this matter has a long term impact on council decision making as it will be relied on to indicate "policy" and as such negate the need for a community consultation process on supposedly associated issues. Will council conduct a review including a public open discussion of the of submissions provided by community? Will council further engage community in review of the final report including separate comment by TEDAC and Deloitte recommendations not included in the draft provided prior to any adoption of this EDS? Response by the CEO Under the Local Government Act, all Councils are required to promote the social, economic and environmental viability and sustainability of the municipality and to promote appropriate business and employment opportunities. The production of an Economic Development Strategy has been identified and endorsed as a priority by the previous (2013-2017) and current Councils. The draft Economic Development Strategy has included various opportunities for all sections of the community to provide feedback and participate in the development of the draft Strategy. The draft Economic Development Strategy has been advertised and has encouraged all members of the community to provide feedback via an electronic survey or via written submission. Over the course of the Strategy being developed feedback has been received from across the community. Consistent with Council’s practice the formal feedback in response to the draft Strategy is being collated and reviewed and will be presented to Council prior to formal adoption (with or without amendments) of the final Strategy. Council will include all priority actions stemming from the Economic Development Strategy in Council’s Annual Implementation Plan and Budget that will be the subject of community consultation in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act.