Q1. The Mayor recommended that the question be deferred until consideration of Agenda item 14.1 Economic Development Strategy (refer page 27 of these Minutes for Council’s response to this question). In speaking to the Motion Councillor Ebbels responded to Public Question 2 from the PLCA and commented: In response to the PLCA question and feedback, Council are happy to formalise a response in writing to the correspondence we received from Fay Agterhuis – PLCA President yesterday (22/11/17). My reading of the Council Report relating to the final draft Economic Development Strategy is that a comprehensive community consultation program has been undertaken including providing an opportunity for businesses and all members of the community to respond via an electronic survey or a written submission. I also understand the opportunity was provided and taken by the PLCA to meet with Deloitte to present their views as part of the community consultation. Q2. Council recently considered a confidential item about the Municipal Boundary Realignment, presented at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 26 October 2017. In accordance with the Local Government Act 1989, Section 89 (2)(i) Council passed a resolution to close the meeting to members of the public. This item remains confidential. Council is currently seeking further advice from the State Government. Q3. (Answered as part of Questions without Notice – as it was indicated the PLCA has asked too many questions..)Question 5 – Cr Tony Francis Is there an update on the status of the roundabout on the Bellarine Highway given the level of disruption to local traffic? Response by the General Manager Planning & Infrastructure Information provided by the contractor this week indicates that roundabout will be provisionally open on Friday 24th November. Traffic management will remain in place to allow some minor asphalting during the week beginning 27th November followed by line marking week commencing 4th December to complete all road works.