The General Manager Planning & Infrastructure responded that Council resolved at its June 2016 Ordinary Meeting for the CEO to prepare a report to Council detailing all relevant matters associated with National Heritage Listing. Preliminary investigations have commenced by officers including review of application guidelines and discussions with Heritage Victoria. The application and assessment process for National Heritage Listing is complex and will require significant effort. Applications must meet the requirements of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act which requires applicant to provide an evidence-based response to 9 criteria. Under the Act, the Minister for Environment is required to issue a notice calling for submissions on a 12 month cycle. The last round of applications closed in February 2016 and the next scheduled call for submissions is expected to close February 2017. A report on the nomination process and implications of the National Heritage listing will be provided in the coming months. Guidelines and information on the nomination process are available for viewing on the Federal Government’s Department of Environment website.